Organizational structure

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The organizational structure of Alpamys School ensures effective interaction of all its parts and successful functioning.

The General Director interacts with the principal of the school, who, in turn, distributes responsibilities between deputies, methodological associations and departments.

The teaching and support staff, including the library, psychological and medical services, a canteen, a TB engineer and an IT specialist, work together to ensure the safety, health care and comfortable learning of students.

Meiram Zhakenov

Meiram Zhakenov began his career in 1977 as a teacher, deputy director for academic Affairs of the Kokchetav Industrial Pedagogical College.

In 1990-1993, he worked in Angola as a teacher of methodology and psychology at the Pedagogical Institute, and as a translator of the Portuguese language.

In 1976, he graduated from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Engineering Education

In 1990, he graduated from Leningrad State University with a degree in Portuguese

From 1993 to 2000, he worked as deputy director of the educational and methodological center of the Karaganda region, then as Deputy Director for academic affairs of the Murager school for gifted children in Karaganda. In 2007, he was appointed director of the regional scientific and methodological center for work with gifted children of the Karaganda region.

In 2008, he was appointed director of the first Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Astana.

2013-2015 – completed a research internship “Education Leadership and School Improvement” at the University of Cambridge.

Since September 2022, he has been working as the director of Alpamys school.

Meiram Zhakenov is the author of many scientific papers revealing the intellectual activity of gifted children.

He was awarded the Order of “Kurmet”, the Y badge. Altynsarin, is an Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Imanbekova E. K.

Associate Director